Private Day Nurseries Ltd
The Holmstead 01274 562628
The School House 01274 510988
"Kiddi-crèche days are happy days!"
Our Staff Team
At Kiddi-crèche you will soon get to know the staff that will be looking after your child. On our gentle "settle" sessions we take time to get to know you and your child before they start with us.
Our team is well balanced with mature and younger practitioners. Staff hold a range of qualifications from level 2 assistants to level 6 degree graduates. Many are furthering their education whilst working with us. We actively encourage our practitioners to gain additional professional qualifications and staff are required to access numerous specific training courses which we feel will enhance their knowledge and skills.

We operate child to staff ratios above requirements. This ensures we have cover when staff are on holiday or absent due to illness and allows staff time away from the children to plan and evaluate activities, record children's progress and plan next steps for learning.
Staff tend to work full time over 4 days 8am to 6pm ensuring the same person has contact with you and your child all day. We also have staff that work daily 9am to 5pm. If you drop off early or pick up late you will not see these practitioners so often but your child will know them well. Some part time staff work 2 or 3 days per week. All of this ensures your child will form strong relationships with practitioners who work regular days.
Obviously staff take holidays and are sometimes ill. Therefore our supply and floating staff are a vital aspect of our team. Again qualified, trained and experienced they work regularly between both nurseries. You will see them working alongside familiar staff in your play room. They are very capable and chosen for their adaptability and knowledge.
Our staff team consists of over 40 employees including kitchen and office staff. They all play a vital role in the smooth running of the nurseries and are always happy to help with any requests you have. Just ask.

"You've been like a family to us through some very difficult times."